Office Furniture Manufacturers Explore Strategies to Expand Global Footprint
Published On: 07/2/19 10:00 AM
Some top tier office furniture manufacturers are attempting to expand their global footprint through direct sales offices and showrooms in other countries, rather than relying on foreign dealers. The trend among multi-national clients is to standardize their workplace environments worldwide in order to project their brand globally. Therefore, many manufacturers are exploring ways to meet the needs of an increasing number of corporate clients searching for global solutions. Manufacturers are applying various strategies to fill the gap in their global coverage. The old world business model was to establish a global network of foreign dealers who provide an existing sales and operations mechanism. In an increasingly borderless world empowered by the internet, manufacturers are making more direct sales in other countries while operations are being handled by global logistics partners. Some manufacturers are even opening their own offices in multiple business centers around the world, in order to provide their multinational clients with local company stores, wherever their clients’ foreign offices are located. Click on the below link to read more about how a major European manufacturer is growing their global sales mechanism: